
20 2018

Florida Forum 2018: From Investments to Dividends - Reception

5:00PM - 7:00PM  

Wyndham Grand Hotel at Harbourside Place 122 Soundings Ave.
Jupiter, FL 33477

Challenges and Opportunities for Jewish Cincinnati

What is trending in Jewish Cincinnati now?

What are the dividends for giving back to our community? 

Get answers and share your views.

Tami Baldinger, Jewish Women’s Foundation, CEO
Systemic Change:
A new way to engage Jewish community

This event is by invitation only.

Read about Florida Forum Brunch on February 21

Hosted by: 
Gloria Lipson and Dr. Louis Gottlieb
April and Harry Davidow

Please contact Jim Friedman at the Jewish Federation, 513-985-1524 or jfriedman@jfedcin.org

A generous gift has been made by
Fifth Third Bank to sponsor the
Florida Forum.