
29 2020

WARNING! Sex, Violence, and Drama in the Hebrew Bible

9:30AM - 11:30AM  

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Skirball Museum, Mayerson Hall
3101 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH
5134873098 jashton@huc.edu

Contact Judy Ashton

In partnership with OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)

Against the backdrop of Archie Rand’s visually stunning body of work, join Skirball Museum director Abby Schwartz and guest scholars to explore how artists throughout history have addressed some of the Hebrew Bible’s most powerful and shocking stories. From the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden to the Binding of Isaac to David and Bathsheba, there is ample and provocative material for lively sessions where we will investigate the intersection of text, life, and art.

Registration required. Space is limited.
Skirball Members: $5 for 8-week course
Non-members: $10 for 8-week course