Create Your Jewish Legacy News

A Legacy of Generosity--and Taxes

The January 11, 2015 Omaha World Herald reported that Alice Williamson actively supported numerous charities during her lifetime, giving very generously of both her time and her money.  A most philanthropic woman, Ms. Williamson intended to take steps to preserve at least a part of her e…

New Life for Life Insurance

Most of us acquire life insurance to help fund family and personal needs in case we don’t live as long as we hoped.  Fortunately, many of us outlive our worst-case scenario. The typical result is that our insurance contract is in force, paid regularly (maybe even paid up), and growing in …

Create Your Jewish Legacy February Update

News from our February 25 CYJL seminar

  • 80 individuals/couples have completed an LOI
  • 157 total LOIs
  • 130 that count towards the LIFE & LEGACY goals
  • CHDS has 82% board participation; 82% have filled out LOIs

Federation CEO Shep Englander spoke on being community stakeholders, saying:

It's a New Year—Are You Looking to Save Money?

Are You Planning for Your Future? Let Us Help:

There are a number of charitable plans that can help you save on taxes this year and secure your financial future. You can receive a charitable deduction by making a gift of your low-performing CDs, stocks, bonds, or even cash. We can also acce…