Community Events

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27 2020

Community Wide Yom HaZikaron

6:30AM - 8:30AM  

Mayerson JCC


Honor those who have given their lives in defense of the State of Israel and victims of terror with a moving memorial…


27 2020

JCPA Presents: Women During the Pandemic

11:00AM - 12:00PM  


Women are on the frontlines of the #COVID-19 response as they make-up the majority of health care workers and others …


27 2020

Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, antisemitism was on the rise, both in Europe and in the United States. Now, the co…


27 2020

Join the Faculty Engagement Program and CERRU at Queens College for a special, live debrief video call with Prof.Tama…


27 2020

Northern Hills Synagogue Mussar Mondays

1:00PM - 1:30PM  


Join Rabbi Ferro for a deep dive into the world of feeling, character, and intrapersonal intelligence from a Jewish p…


27 2020

HUC-JIR Cincinnati - The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati Fellows Siyyum

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion
3101 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45220


End of Year Celebration


27 2020

JVSCS Board Meeting

6:30PM - 7:30PM  


All meetings are held on the Third Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at 4540 Cooper Road, Suite 300


27 2020

Kol Yisrael Arevim Ze l’Ze – All of Israel is responsible for one another. Join the Cincinnati community via Zoom…


27 2020

Northern Hills Talmud Study

9:00PM - 9:30PM  


Join Rabbi Noah Ferro every Monday at 9:00PM for Talmud study. We are in the middle of Tractate Shabbat and are alway…