
25 2024

From Crisis to Victory - An Eyewitness Account of October 7

7:30PM - 9:30PM  

Chabad Jewish Center 3977 Hunt Rd
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Contact Yisroel Mangel

$ Cost $ 0.00

Yaron Bouskila is a retired Lieutenant-Colonel, still serving in reserve duty. Yaron served in all commanding roles - starting as a combat fighter up to a Deputy Brigade Commander.

Yaron also served as a Special Operations Officer, was wounded 3 times during his military service, and earned the 2017 Presidential Award in the field of excellence.

Yaron is the operations officer of the Gaza division and during the war Yaron took a main role by fighting in Gaza and in the Jewish villages on October 7.

He currently serves as VP of the Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF), is a member of National Security Experts Defending Israel, Channel 14's military commentators and a senior advisor to the Israel-Africa Chamber of Commerce.