Our Israeli emissaries (shlichim) work to create and strengthen relationships between Cincinnati and Israel. They educate both the Jewish and non-Jewish communities about Israel and also advocate for Israel’s right to exist. They engage with our local agencies, congregations, day schools, camps, and the Mayerson JCC to create programs and activities that connect us with Israel.

Community Emissaries


Community Shaliach
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
yneeman@jfedcin.org | 513-332-3951

  • Yarden Neeman

    Yarden Neeman, Cincinnati’s newest Shaliach, in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel, will work within our community to connect Cincinnati to Israel. Yarden has a background in HR, organizational development, and leadership development. He holds an MBA from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a BA in sociology and anthropology.




Israel Representative
Jewish Federation of Cincinnati
Maia.Morag@jewishfederations.org | 972-53-9397186

  • Maia Morag

    Maia Morag is our representative in Israel. Maia served as community Shlicha from 2014-2018, the only one Federation had for four years! Her experience as an educator, facilitator, and teacher at the secular yeshiva frames the themes of Pluralism and Shared Society that overlay our Israel programming and investment. Maia’s patience, humor, and deep understanding of both American and Israeli society will be crucial in navigating Cincinnati’s relationship with Israel in the years to come.

Friends from Israel (Chaverim M'Israel) 


Each September we welcome two new Friends from Israel, who live in our community for a full year of service. The Friends from Israel / Chaverim M’Israel program, brings two post-high school teenagers from our partnership city, Netanya, to Cincinnati to share themselves, and what they know about Israeli life, with people across the Cincinnati area. Each year, the two chaverim meet about 5,000 kids, teens, and families. They teach in both Jewish and non-Jewish schools and organizations across Greater Cincinnati. In the summer, they are counselors at Camp Livingston. This program is a component of the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Partnership2Gether (P2G) program.


Contact Martha Brand Dave at mdave@jfedcin.org or 513-644-0708 to schedule a visit from the Chaverim.



  • Shaked Vatavu

    Shaked is from Ganey Tikva, Israel. She majored in English Diplomacy and Social Science in high school. She enjoys ballet and contemporary dance, traveling, hiking, and playing the piano. She was very active in the Israeli Scouts where she learned skills such as leadership and collaboration. Shaked is excited to spend her year in Cincinnati engaging with all ages about Israel.

  • Shiri Avisar

    Shiri is from Netanya, Israel. Her majors in high school were physics, human resources, and diplomacy. Shiri enjoys at-home workouts, reading, watching tv series, going out with friends, and traveling. She was very active in the Israeli scouts where she learned skills such as communication and leadership. Shiri is excited to be in Cincinnati for a year teaching kids about Israel.

Israel Fellows to Hillel


This program is a partnership between the Jewish Agency for Israel and Hillel International. It places outstanding young Israelis on key college campuses for a two-year period of educational service, in order to create an ongoing Israel presence for Jewish students and the broader community. Campus Israel Fellows partner with student organizations, campus study abroad offices, Jewish and Israel studies departments, local Jewish federations, Israeli consulates, and Jewish Community Centers.


They also follow through with Taglit-Birthright trip alumni via one-on-one meetings and special programs and events to keep them active and encourage them to continue their Jewish journeys while in college.


Campus Israel Fellows serve as Israel's unofficial peer ambassadors on campus and in the local community, providing opportunities for students to discuss and experience every aspect of Israeli life, bridging the gap between Israel fact and fiction, and inspiring students to forge enduring commitments to Israel. In many instances, the Campus Israel Fellow is the first Israeli college students and professors have ever met!